Thursday 14 October 2010

School Magazine Questionnaire analysis

I went out and asked 10 random people about buying a school magazine and what they thin should be included. The ages of pupils varied from year 7 to year 13.
When asked the question would you buy a school magazine 70%said yes 10% said no and 10% said maybe.
They were asked the question how much would you pay for the magazine, 40% said they would pay 50p - £1 and 60% said they would pay £1 - £2 for the magazine.
When asked the question what the magazine should be called 30% said “Henry says” 50% said “Hello Henry” and 20% said “Look out its Henry”.
I asked if they thought the school would benefit from a school magazine 70% said yes the school would benefit and 30% said no it would make no difference at all.
I asked who they thought were the most likely to purchase the magazine, 90%said parents, 40% said teachers, 10% said  year 7-9, 20% said years 10-10 and 40% said that sixth formers would be likely to buy the magazine.
When asked would the magazine make the school more upmarket the survey answered 80% yes it would and 20% saying it might make a difference.
The survey answered on the features that should be included within the magazine and on the front cover as “sporting achievements”, “academic success”.
The final question asked to the participants was how often should the magazine be printed? To which they responded 70% saying monthly, 10% saying Every half term and 20% saying every term.  

Monday 11 October 2010

My media Questionnaire school magazine :)

School Magazine Questionnaire!

Are you male or female?


What year are you in?
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12
Year 13

Would you buy a school magazine?

How much would you pay for a school magazine?
50p - £1
£1 - £2
£2 - £3

What would be the best name for a school magazine?
Henry Says…
Hello Henry
Look out its Henry

Would the use of a school magazine make you feel more part of the school?
Makes no difference

Who do you think is the most likely to buy the school magazine?

Year 7 – 9
Year 10 – 11
Sixth form

Would a school  magazine make the school look more up market?


What features should the magazine include on a weekly basis?

Sporting achievements
Academic Success
3 things you didn’t know about a teacher
A student column where a different student writes a different story weekly

How often should the magazine be printed?

Every half term
Every term